- Alamdar Engineering (Pvt) Ltd is a constituent company of a group active in the field of trading, construction and industries. The group of companies was formed in 1984 when some of the senior most engineers and other well experienced personnel serving in the topmost organizations in private and government sectors in Pakistan resigned their official positions to assemble a brilliant professional team for the purpose of constructing all types of low / high voltage transmission lines, substations, mechanical erection of industrial plants, prestigious civil engineering works and telecommunication microwave systems.
EPTT, Hydro Power, Steel Manufacturing and Telecomunication by Alamdar Engineering (Pvt.) Ltd.
Company Profile

Alamdar engineering (Pvt) Ltd. was the first of the group established in March, 1984. Very shortly afterwards it was awarded subcontract personal in the name of Engr.Salim Akbar Khan, Chief Executive of AEL by M/S Saudi Swiss Electro mechanic works Co.Ltd, Riyadh Saudia Arabia for the construction of extension project of Qaseem Rural Electrification of eight villages which was completed satisfactorily. Afterwards the company undertook some more projects in Saudia Arabia in1984 which are briefed in our
website.To attain better legal status Alamdar Construction Company was incorporated as Alamdar Engineering (Pvt) ltd with joint stock companies, Lahore.
The company directors and executives are known with distinguished technical qualifications and are highly experienced in the field of civil, mechanical and electrical engineering design and construction. They have executed major projects worth several hundred million rupees, in Pakistan and abroad.
Website: www.alamdar-engg.co